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Founded in 1945 by Giuseppe Ostuni, Oluce is the oldest Italian design company still operating in the lighting world, a unique production excellence which translates passionate aesthetic and technological research into the potential of light into actual form. Over the years, Oluce has succeeded in building a collection structured like a tale, rich and multifaceted, inhabited by products that transcend fashion to become Italian design icons.
Oluce創立於1945,是目前最具歷史性的義大利燈具品牌之一,創辦人 Giuseppe Ostuni 以其前瞻眼光,從最早期與許多知名設計師合作,其中包含Gio Ponti、Joe Colombo等等,創造許多經典佳作,其更在 1967 年為 Oluce 榮獲首座義大利金圓規獎 Compasso d`Oro。