Luca Nichetto
Luca Nichetto是義大利設計界的指標人物之一,於1976年出生於威尼斯,他於1999年開始其職業生涯一展長才,設計風格上,Luca對於家具形體與機能的規劃有著鮮明獨特的風格,精準地藉由材質與生產工法的創新研發,深刻闡述產品本身之意涵,不僅讓人見識其精確穩重與愉悅欣喜的氣息,更以優雅線條勾勒生活家居之美感,進而堅持對產品細節的要求。其職業生涯獲頒無數獎項,像是IF產品設計獎、Elle國際家居設計獎(EDIDA)、年度年輕設計人才獎(2009)等。除了參與歐美和日本等地的設計展之外,他也參加威尼斯、倫敦、巴黎等知名城市舉辦的回顧展,或是擔任藝術總監或知名比賽評委,並與許多國際品牌合作。
Luca Nichetto was born in 1976 in Venice. He studied at the city’s Istituto statale d’arte, before undertaking a degree in industrial design at the Università Iuav di Venezia, from which he graduated in 1998. In 1999, Nichetto began his professional career with Murano-based glass maker Salviati, later becoming a product designer and consultant for lighting company Foscarini. In 2006, he founded his eponymous practice in Venice. In 2011 he moved to Stockholm, Sweden, to open a second studio and he continues to live in and work from this city. Over the course of his career, Nichetto has served as art director for many international design brands and he has developed an in-depth knowledge of the design industry.In 2006 Luca Nichetto founded a multidisciplinary design studio in Venice, Italy, which specialised in industrial design, product design and design consultancy. From the very beginning, this studio collaborated with a number of different brands and organisations, quickly expanding its influence far beyond Venice and Italy’s borders. Five years later, in 2011, Nichetto opened a second studio in Stockholm, Sweden. This practice was founded in response to an ever growing number of requests for collaboration from international companies, with the studio’s work also broadening out from its initial focus on designed objects. Nichetto Studio has since expanded into areas such as interior design and architecture.
Today, Nichetto Studio works with a variety of brands and clients from all around the world, and its expertise is sought out across all design disciplines. A deep passion for, and knowledge of, industrial and craft manufacturing processes runs through every aspect of the studio’s work. Nichetto Studio’s projects abound in carefully selected cultural references and a keen attention to detail. The practice’s unique position within both Scandinavian and Italian design culture has given Nichetto Studio worldwide recognition. Appreciation of its work extends far beyond the confines of the design industry.